The old adage "You get what you pay for!" often applies to taxidermy work. You need a lot of important information to make an informed decision on who to have do your taxidermy work.Don't be afraid to ask questions. Make an appointment and go visit and potential taxidermist your are considering.
Ask Questions Like:
These are 2 very important questions to ask. Their answers will say a lot! Many people make the mistake of thinking that all taxidermist are equally skilled. Nothing could be further from the truth.It takes years of practice to gain skills necessary to become a truly professional taxidermist and it shows in the work if you look close.Many people think that all mounts will be of similar quality so the low price is the best deal.
Instead , a low price should be a red flag "beware"! It could mean they are new to the profession. Starting out by lowering their price to gain work and experience. It could also mean he/she is a part timer with little to no experience outside of being a hobbyist. Here is a perfect example of "you get what you pay for". Keep in mind the average deer head requires 8-9 hours of labor plus $100-150 in material cost just to do the mount.Simple math shows you after shop overhead,there isn't much left to make a decent living. Just remember,
"The Bitterness Of Poor Quality Remains Long After The Sweetness Of Low Price Is Forgotten!"